Two amazing kitchen hacks, courtesy of Lithe Audio
6 November 2019 | Amit
Kitchen envy is a common ailment among the home-owning community. Seeing your dinner party hosts preparing a lavish spread on their corian kitchen island can spawn radical ideas of home improvement. But the truth is, a lot of us don’t have the time or money to spend on keeping up with the Joneses.
So here’s a series of really quick wins, which can improve your kitchen experience, impress your friends and family, AND leave your bank account intact.

Hop While You Chop With Blutooth Ceiling Speakers
After a long day at work, it can be very therapeutic to cook a meal from scratch. It helps you focus, keeps you away from the computer, and lets your hands do something different to typing on the keyboard. What also helps is listening to music, whether relaxing or groovy. From Beethoven to Lady Gaga, music puts you in the right frame of mind for chopping onions and dicing salads. Don’t believe us? Try it now!
Lithe Audio have found the perfect to way of ensuring stunning audio reaches your kitchen, and that is through the use of our unique all-in-one ceiling speakers. Utilising the very best materials and gadgetry, these speakers will provide crystal clear audio wherever you want it. This means you can enjoy a hands-free, cable-free audio experience without having to clear any space on your kitchen counter.
The Bluetooth Ceiling Speaker can be connected to power via your lighting circuit, or simply plugged into a plug socket. For large rooms it can also be connected to a second speaker via an extra cable, but thanks to its excellent sound quality, just one speaker is often enough to achieve crisp, high quality audio.

Follow Recipes With Our Phone/Tablet Stands
Because who uses cookery books any more? The best new recipes are online, and aren’t blemished by butter stands and god knows what else! But if you’re used to using your phone or tablet to follow a recipe, you’d know the perils of trying to pick up and activate your device without getting your ingredients over it. Nothing is less cool than walking around with flour caked on your phone screen. Just trust us on that one.
This is where our stands come in handy. By using one of our clever units, you can now follow recipes with ease. Simply position the stand on your kitchen bench, and you can get your hands as messy as you want without any threat to the cleanliness of your device. The same applies for other forms of food preparation - however elaborate the recipe!